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I am an experiencer  of the extra terrestrial phenomenon

If you are or even just have inklings that you may be experiencing contact from other realms and races, we can talk! We can go deeper into these phenomenon and I will help you to awaken your own conscious understanding in a manner that feels free and safe.  A manner that is helpful and hopeful for your own life and development.


Just as grief has stages as Dr. Kubler Ross uncovered in her groundbreaking works on death and dying; anger, denial, bargaining,
depression, and acceptance- there are stages or layers to the waking up process.  We are where we are on our paths. And that is just right for us.


Allowing and honoring the process by gaining understanding and removing fears we can evolve and grow our expanded consciousness
deeper into the Christ- Consciousness, the ‘I AM’, the Primary Creative Frequency where all possibilities and potentialities are born.






Markings appeared after contact

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